Faith Organisations and Urban Transformations

Property, history, and community

Funding | Project Status | Project Summary | Project Output


Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Hong Kong Dissertation Scholarship

Project Status

Completed. Started in 2015.

Project Summary

Focusing on the controversial issue of church redevelopment, I unpack the sacred and secular relations between religious organisations and urban process through the lens of property.

Project Output

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

  • Geoforum (2020): From God’s home to people’s house: Property struggles of church redevelopment.
  • Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies (2017): The spatial story of St. Francis’s Yard: A Catholic urban community echoing the urban development trajectory of Hong Kong.

(see publications)

Research Thesis

In the Department of Geography at Hong Kong Baptist University, my undergraduate honours project, entitled ‘Urban (Re)development, Religious Organisations, and Urban Communities: A Spatial Story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Wan Chai’, was completed in 2016.

Supervisor: Prof Wing-Shing Tang (Professor of Geography)
Examiner: Prof Si-Ming Li (Chair Professor of Geography)

Presentations linked to this project

‘Land injustice in Hong Kong: Its concept and manifestation in G/IC redevelopment’
with Joanna Wai-Ying Lee and Wing-Shing Tang
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Hong Kong Studies, Hong Kong, 22 June 2019

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